
Pop a new window in React, using API

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React New Window - Pop new windows in React, using API.
Inspired by David Gilbertson's article.


  • Only 3.68KB (gzipped!).
  • Support the full api.
  • Built for React 16 (uses ReactDOM.createPortal).
  • Handler for blocked popups (via onBlock prop).
  • Center popups according to the parent window or screen.


npm i react-new-window --save


import React from 'react'
import NewWindow from 'react-new-window'

const Demo = () => (
    <h1>Hi 👋</h1>

When <NewWindow /> is mounted a popup window will be opened. When unmounted then the popup will be closed.
The children contents is what will be rendered into the new popup window. In that case Hi 👋 will be the content. The content can include any react-stateful code.


| Properties | Type | Default | Description | | ---------------- | --------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | url | String | | The URL to open, if specified any children will be overriden (more details on url). | | name | String | | The name of the window (more details on windowName). | | title | String | | The title of the new window document. | | features | Object | {} | The set of window features (more details on windowFeatures). | | onUnload | Function | undefined | A function to be triggered before the new window unload. | | onBlock | Function | undefined | A function to be triggered when the new window could not be opened. | | onOpen | Function(w: Window) | undefined | A function to be triggered when window open by library. | | center | String | parent | Indicate how to center the new window. Valid values are: parent or screen. parent will center the new window according to its parent window. screen will center the new window according to the screen. | | copyStyles | Boolean | true | If specified, copy styles from parent window's document. | | closeOnUnmount | Boolean | true | If specified, close the new window on unmount. |


Tests are manually done using Storybook. It can be run locally with: yarn storybook.


To start contributing to this project, please do:
  1. Fork and clone this repo.
  2. Do your work.
  3. Create a PR.


The release process consists of two operations:
  1. Create new version using: npm version
  2. This GitHub action will publish the new version to NPM.

Prior work

Made with :heart: by Rubens Mariuzzo.
MIT License