
The SmartTable is a react simple Component based on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, bootstrap. Used for fetching data from a defined api with an option of pagination and search. You can find also many useful options like sorting, selecting columns to show, custom

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1.1.43 years ago3 years agoMinified + gzip package size for react-next-table in KB


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<h3 align="center">SmartTable.js</h3>
<p align="center">light weight bootstrap smart table</p>
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Open Source.
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Visit my <a href="">Website</a> for docs, guides, API and more!


Check my website for a live paginated Demo.


SmartTable.js is a complete open source solution for React.js applications.

Getting Started:

npm install --save react-next-table
yarn add react-next-table

You also need to install Bootstrap package.
npm install --save bootstrap
yarn add bootstrap

Add the following imports to app.js
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import 'react-next-table/dist/SmartTable.css';

This component will be upgraded and updated regularly for better use, in the smallest package with a simple smart set of codes.


Flexible and easy to use

  • Based on Bootstrap for css styling and classes.
  • Designed to work with any react project and any react framework like NextJs
  • Compatible in all browsers like (chrome, safari, firefox, opera...)
  • Supports sorting columns.
  • Supports Custom columns.
  • Supports search.
  • Supports pagination if an api url added for better SEO and user experience.
  • Supports external data by props data and internal data by adding the api url.


| prop name | required | options | description | | ---------------------- | :-------------------------------: | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | headCells | true | Array of object | The headCells props tell the component what columns do you want to show from the array and how you want to show it. There are some required object keys: id, label, width (as integer in px); and other options like: sortable (bool), numeric (bool !helps to sort as number!), render (a custom column, html, css, javascript, react !you can do all!) | | data | true if url prop is not used | Array of object | Prerendered data useful if using NextJs framework for server side rendering OR url prop can't be used in your case... | | url | true if data prop is not used | String | fetch data on the component mount if prop data doesn't exist. And on search adding a query param called search, on row number change adding a query param called limit and on page change adding a query param called page. The best news is that they also work as a combination on the this url prop that will work as paginated api | | title | false | String/React component | It's mainly to be a title or a button | | searchDebounceTime | false | Integer default is 800 in (ms) | configure the time you need the search api to start seaching after stop typing in the search box | | noPagination | false | Boolean | | | rowsPerPage | false | Integer default is 10 | | | rowsPerPageOptions | false | array default is 5, 10, 25, 50 | |


Add React Component

import SmartTable from 'react-next-table';

const headCells = [
    id: 'email',
    numeric: false,
    label: 'Email',
    width: 200,
    id: 'name',
    numeric: false,
    label: 'Name',
    width: 150,
    id: 'phone',
    numeric: false,
    label: 'Phone',
    width: 100,
    id: 'subject',
    numeric: false,
    label: 'Subject',
    width: 300,
    id: 'message',
    numeric: false,
    label: 'Message',
    width: 700,

const data = [
    _id: '6144145976c7fe',
    email: '',
    name: 'Mina',
    phone: '+9617099995114',
    subject: 'test',
    message: 'ahlannn',
    date: '2021-09-17 19:10:50',
    _id: '6143989f9d87cc',
    email: '',
    name: 'as',
    phone: '+9617646699991',
    subject: 'as',
    message: 'as',
    date: '2021-09-16 22:18:31',
    _id: '614397edc9177d8c8',
    email: '',
    name: 'amine',
    phone: '+334343439393993',
    subject: '1234',
    message: '3434',
    date: '2021-09-16 22:15:57',
    _id: '6143be67dfca4985c',
    email: '',
    name: 'Dominique',
    phone: '+96189904686',
    subject: 'Dev ',
    message: 'Ohmaga',
    date: '2021-09-16 21:33:04',
    _id: '61141e57a7dbd8a189e',
    email: '',
    name: 'amine amine',
    phone: '+96176776341',
    subject: 'qw',
    message: 'qw',
    date: '2021-08-11 22:00:39',

export default function Exemple() {
  return <SmartTable title="Emails" data={data} headCells={headCells} />;
