
A React component to annotate named entities directly onto a PDF.

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A React component to annotate named entities directly onto a PDF. Live demo


  • NER annotation
  • Area annotation
  • OCR on scanned PDFs


The package can be installed through NPM. `npm install react-pdf-ner-annotator`


For simple example usage you can refer to example/src/App.tsx. ```javascript import Annotator from 'react-pdf-ner-annotator'; // import the css import 'react-pdf-ner-annotator/lib/css/style.css'; // OR import the sass import 'react-pdf-ner-annotator/lib/scss/style.scss'; ```


| Name | Type | Required | Default value | Description | |--------------------|------------------------------------------|--------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | url | string | Either url or data is required | undefined | The URL of the PDF. | | data | Uint8Array | BufferSource | string | Either data or url is required | undefined | The PDF as binary or base64 encoded string. | | httpHeaders | { [key: string]: string } | no | undefined | Extra fields for in the HTTP header when for example authentication is needed. | | initialScale | number | no | 1.5 | The initial scale to display the PDF as\. Must be between 1 and 2. | | tokenizer | RegExp | no | | A Regular expression for the tokenization of the paragraphs. | | disableOCR | boolean | no | false | You can set this value to true if your PDF doesn't have a text layer and you don't want the frontend to run OCR. | | entity | Entity | no | undefined | The active Entity to annotate on the PDF. | | initialTextmap | Array<TextLayer> | no | undefined | A array of TextLayer if you want to provide your own TextLayer for the PDF instead of letting the frontend generate one. | | defaultAnnotations | Array<Annotation> | no | [] | An array of Annotation to show on the PDF. | | ref | ref | no | undefined | A ref to pass to the Annotator, this ref can be used to call removeAnnotation. |

Callback methods

| Name | Parameters | Return type | Required | Description | |----------------|--------------------------------|-------------|----------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | getAnnotations | annotations: Array | void | yes | Provide a method that takes an array of Annotation as input. This method can be the set of a useState hook for example. This is to subscribe to changes of the annotations made on the PDF. | | getTextMaps | maps: Array | void | no | Same as the annotations but for the text layers. This will only return text layers of pages with annotations on them. |

Local development
