
A mobile support, draggable, editable and api based Tab for ReactJS

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A mobile support, draggable, editable and api based Tab for ReactJS

(!) This lib based on react-tabtab but refactored using Typescript and replacing some deprecated libs

Demo Page

Demo Playground

<img src="./docs/demo.gif" width="100%" >

for build a local playground run
npm run demo

also here Codesandbox playground


  • Mobile supported — Touch support. Easy to use on mobile device
  • Draggable tab — Support drag and drop tab
  • Add & Delete — Tab can be added and deleted
  • Async content — Lazy load panel content
  • Customizable style — Based on styled-components, super easy to customize tab style
  • API based — All actions are controllable
  • ARIA accessible

Table of Contents

-   [Minimal setup](#minimal-setup)
-   [Draggable tab](#draggable-tab)
-   [Async Panel](#async-panel)
-   [Another Examples](#another-examples)


Install it with npm or yarn
npm install @react-tabtab-next/tabtab --save

Then, import the module by module bundler like webpack, browserify
// es6
import { Tabs, DragTabList, PanelList, Panel, ExtraButton } from '@react-tabtab-next/tabtab';

// not using es6
var Tabtab = require('react-tabtab');
var Tabs = Tabtab.Tabs;


React-tabtab is a tab component with highly customization. You can create a tab in simply setting. You also can create a tab system full with draggable, async loading, close and create button. All the actions are api based. It means there is no state in the component. Developers have full control.

Minimal setup

import React from 'react';
import { Tabs, Panel, Tab, TabList, PanelList } from '@react-tabtab-next/tabtab';

export const Example = () => {
    return (

It's simple to use. Zero configuration!

Draggable tab

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Tabs, DragTabList, PanelList, Panel, Tab, helpers } from '@react-tabtab-next/tabtab';

const makeData = (number, titlePrefix = 'Tab') => {
    const data = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < number; i++) {
            title: `${titlePrefix} ${i}`,
            content: <div>Content {i}</div>,
    return data;

export default class Drag extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.handleTabChange = this.handleTabChange.bind(this);
        this.handleTabSequenceChange = this.handleTabSequenceChange.bind(this);
        const tabs = makeData(10, 'Some Tab');
        this.state = {
            activeIndex: 0,

    handleTabChange(index) {
        this.setState({ activeIndex: index });

    handleTabSequenceChange({ oldIndex, newIndex }) {
        const { tabs } = this.state;
        const updateTabs = helpers.simpleSwitch(tabs, oldIndex, newIndex);
        this.setState({ tabs: updateTabs, activeIndex: newIndex });

    render() {
        const { tabs, activeIndex } = this.state;
        const tabsTemplate = [];
        const panelTemplate = [];
        tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {
            tabsTemplate.push(<Tab key={index}>{tab.title}</Tab>);
            panelTemplate.push(<Panel key={index}>{tab.content}</Panel>);
        return (

ReactDOM.render(<Drag />, document.getElementById('root'));

Based on above example, the different to implement normal tab or drag tab is using different wrapper and child.
And all the actions are controllable. You can customize your switch action. But if you don't want to write customized switch logic, you can directly use import {simpleSwitch} from 'react-tabtab/lib/helpers/move' this built-in function.

normal tab


Sortable tabs (+ ExtraButton)

    // customStyle={md}
    // activeIndex={activeTab}
    // onTabChange={handleOnTabChange}
    // onTabSequenceChange={handleOnTabSequenceChange}
            onClick={(e) => {

Async Panel

In some case, if the data is large or we want to save the bandwidth, lazy loading the content is possible solution. You can use AsyncPanel to laze load panel content. Moreover, you can mix lazy load panel with normal panel!
import React from 'react';
import { Tabs, Panel, Tab, TabList, PanelList, AsyncPanel } from '@react-tabtab-next/tabtab';

const AsyncTabsExmple = () => {
    const loadContentFunc = (callback) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            callback(null, 'some content');
        }, 1000);
    return (
                    render={(data) => <div>{JSON.stringify(data)}</div>}
                    renderLoading={() => <div>Loading...</div>}

export default AsyncTabsExmple;

To implement lazy loading, use AsyncPanel to wrap your panel content. Remember to provide loadContent, render, renderLoading these 3 props.
In loadContent props, both callback and promise type are supported.
If you use callback, remember to call callback when finish async loading.
If you use promise, need to return promise action.
When data is loading, the panel content will show renderLoading component.
After finishing loading data, the panel content will show render component and react-tabtab will pass the loadContent result as first parameter. So you can customize the component of panel content.

Another Examples

More code examples are avalable here.

Components / Api

<Tabs />

<Tabs/> is the main component of react-tabtab. Most of the api is passed from it.
  <td>control current activeIndex.<br/>You need to pass new activeIndex value if you want to show different tab.</td>
  <td>default selected index if active index is not provided</td>
      <li><b>true</b>: always show button</li>
      <li><b>false</b>: always hide button</li>
      <li><b>[number]</b>: when <code>number of tab >= [number]</code>, show button</li>
    <li><b>auto</b>: detect tab width, if they exceed container, show button</li>
    <li><b>true</b>: always show button</li>
    <li><b>false</b>: always hide button</li>
  <td><code>React Node</code></td>
    customize extra button content, example: `+` button
  <td><code>(tabIndex) => {}</code></td>
    return tabIndex is clicked<br/>
    You can use this api with <code>activeIndex</code>. When user click tab, update <code>activeIndex</code>.
  <td><code>(oldIndex, newIndex) => {}</code></td>
    return changed oldIndex and newIndex value<br/>
    With this api, you can do switch tab very easily.
    <b>Note:<b/>This api is only called by <code><DragTabList/></code>
  <td><code>(index) => {}</code></td>
    When user click <b>close button</b> , this api will return the clicked close button index.
{ TabList: React.Element, Tab: React.Element, Panel: React.Element, ActionButton: React.Element }
<td> theme</td>
  customized tab style component

<TabList />

Use to wrap <Tab/>.

<DragTabList />

Use to wrap <Tab/>.

<Tab />

Normal Tab. Show the children component on tab.
  <td>whether to show close button</td>

    <i className="fa fa-map-pin"></i>
    map tab

<PanelList/ >

Use to wrap <Panel/>

<Panel />

Tab content.

<AsyncPanel />

Lazy loading panel content.
  <td>loadContent <b>*</b></td>
    <code>(cb) => cb(error, data)</code> or <br/>
    <code>(cb) => Promise
  <td>when loadContent finish, call the callback or you can return promise</td>
  <td>render <b>*</b></td>
    <code>(data) => Component</code>
  <td>when finish loading data, render this component</td>
  <td>renderLoading <b>*</b></td>
    <code>() => Component</code>
  <td>when it is loading data, render this component</td>
  <td>should cache the data</td>

Customize style

react-tabtab-next is based on styled-components. Therefore, it's super easy to customize the tab style.
Just extend the default component style and pass it to customStyle props.

Use current style

Install tabtab themes
npm install @react-tabtab-next/themes --save

Available themes: md, bootstrap, bulma
For example, if you want to use material-design, import the style and pass to customStyle props.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Tabs, TabList, Tab, PanelList, Panel } from '@react-tabtab-next/tabtab';
import { md } from '@react-tabtab-next/themes';

export default class Customized extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <Tabs customStyle={md}>

And now your tab is material design style!

Make your own style

If current theme doesn't meet your demand, follow this three steps and create a new one.
  • First step: import current style

import styled from 'styled-components';
import { styled as styledTabTab } from '@react-tabtab-next/tabtab';

let { TabListStyle, ActionButtonStyle, TabStyle, PanelStyle } = styledTabTab;

  • Second: extend style and export it

import styled from 'styled-components';
import { styled as themeStyled } from '@react-tabtab-next/tabtab';

let { TabList, ActionButton, Tab, Panel } = themeStyled;

TabList = styled(TabList)`
    background-color: transparent;
    line-height: 1.2;
    border: 0;

Tab = styled(Tab)`
    padding: 1px 10px;
    position: relative;
    font-size: 12px;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    border: 0;
    background: transparent;
    ${(props) => {
        return && !props.vertical
            ? `
      border-bottom: 2px solid #ce93d8;
            : null;
    &:hover .tab-label_close-button {
        opacity: 1;
    &:hover {
        color: unset;
        background: #89898920;

ActionButton = styled(ActionButton)`
    background-color: transparent;
    border-radius: 0;
    border: none;
    opacity: 0.3;
    transition: opacity 0.2s;
    & svg {
        font-size: 21px;
        padding: 0;
    &:hover {
        opacity: 1;

Panel = styled(Panel)``;

export { TabList, ActionButton, Tab, Panel };

  • Last: import your style and use it!

When you finish the new @react-tabtab-next/theme style, feel free to add it to theme/ folder and send PR!


npm i
npm run demo

yarn install
yarn demo

Build the bundle
npm i
