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A fully-featured typing animation in React that supports any valid JSX.


There were other JS typing animations that existed when I created this, but they were all lacking in robust features. This component aims to support all of the following features:
✅ Type text from any valid JSX
✅ Preserve DOM structure/styling
✅ Change typing speed anywhere in tree
✅ Add a delay anywhere in tree
✅ Backspace animation
✅ Reset lines / full tree
✅ Loop functionality
✅ No dependencies (CSS or JS)


View the live demo
git clone
cd react-typing-animation
npm install
npm start

Then open http://localhost:3000/ in a browser.
Feature requests and pull requests welcome


npm i --save react-typing-animation


import Typing from 'react-typing-animation';

const AnimatedTypingComponent = () => (
    <span>This span will get typed.</span>


| Property | Type | Default | Required | | :--------------: | :--------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------: | | children | React node | | yes | | className | string | | no | | cursorClassName | string | | no | | cursor | React node | <Cursor /> | no | | hideCursor | boolean | false | no | | speed | number | 50 (ms) | no | | startDelay | number | 0 (ms) | no | | loop | boolean | false | no | | onStartedTyping | function | () => {} | no | | onBeforeType | function | () => {} | no | | onAfterType | function | () => {} | no | | onFinishedTyping | function | () => {} | no |

Backspace Component

import Typing from 'react-typing-animation';
    <span>This span will get typed, then erased.</span>
    <Typing.Backspace count={20} />

| Property | Type | Default | Required | Description | | :------: | :----: | :-----: | :------: | :---------: | | count | number | 1 | false | | | delay | number | 0 | false | | | speed | number | -1 | false | |

Delay Component

import Typing from 'react-typing-animation';
      There will be a 1000ms delay here,
      <Typing.Delay ms={1000} />
      then this will be typed.

| Property | Type | Default | Required | Description | | :------: | :----: | :-----: | :------: | :---------: | | ms | number | | yes | |

Speed Component

import Typing from 'react-typing-animation';
  <Typing speed={50}>
    This line will be typed at 50ms/character,
    <Typing.Speed ms={200} />
    then this will be typed at 200ms/character.

| Property | Type | Default | Required | Description | | :------: | :----: | :-----: | :------: | :---------: | | ms | number | | yes | |

Reset Component

import Typing from 'react-typing-animation';
    <span>This line will stay.</span>
    <span>This line will get instantly removed after a 500 ms delay</span>
    <Typing.Reset count={1} delay={500} />

| Property | Type | Default | Required | Description | | :------: | :----: | :-----: | :------: | :---------: | | count | number | 0 | false | | | delay | number | 0 | false | | | speed | number | -1 | false | |


After cloning the repository and running npm install inside, you can use the following commands to develop and build the project.
# Starts a webpack dev server that hosts the demo at http://localhost:3000
npm start

# Lints the code with eslint
npm run lint

# Lints and builds the code, placing the result in the dist directory.
npm run build

Pull requests are welcome!
