
Semantic empowers designers and developers by creating a shared vocabulary for UI.

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50,9941,0792.5.02 years ago10 years agoMinified + gzip package size for semantic-ui in KB


Semantic UI
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Semantic is a UI framework designed for theming.
Key Features
  • 50+ UI elements
  • 3000 + CSS variables
  • 3 Levels of variable inheritance (similar to SublimeText)
  • Built with EM values for responsive design
  • Flexbox friendly

Semantic allows developers to build beautiful websites fast, with concise HTML, intuitive javascript, and simplified debugging, helping make front-end development a delightful experience. Semantic is responsively designed allowing your website to scale on multiple devices. Semantic is production ready and partnered with frameworks such as React, Angular, Meteor, and Ember, which means you can integrate it with any of these frameworks to organize your UI layer alongside your application logic.

2.4.0 Release (Sep 17th, 2018)

Semantic UI 2.4 is now available. Read up on what's new in the docs.
Migration info from 1.x can be found in the 2.0 release notes

User Support

Please help us keep the issue tracker organized. For technical questions that do not include a specific JSFiddle test case (bug reports), or feature request please use StackOverflow to find a solution.
Visit our contributing guide for more on what should be posted to GitHub Issues.


Recommended Install

npm install semantic-ui  # Use themes, import build/watch tasks into your own gulpfile.

Semantic UI includes an interactive installer to help setup your project.

Additional Versions

Environment | Install Script | Repo --- | --- | --- | CSS Only | npm install semantic-ui-css | CSS Repo LESS Only | npm install semantic-ui-less | LESS Repo LESS plugin | npm install less-plugin-semantic-ui | LESS Plugin Repo EmberJS | ember install:addon semantic-ui-ember | Ember Repo |Meteor - LESS | meteor add semantic:ui | Meteor Repo | |Meteor - CSS | meteor add semantic:ui-css | CSS Repo | Bower | bower install semantic-ui |
Check out our integration wiki for more options.

Browser Support

  • Last 2 Versions FF, Chrome, Safari Mac
  • IE 11+
  • Android 4.4+, Chrome for Android 44+
  • iOS Safari 7+
  • Microsoft Edge 12+

Although some components will work in IE9, grids and other flexbox components are not supported by IE9 and may not appear correctly.


Getting Help

Please do not post usage questions to GitHub Issues. For these types of questions use our Gitter Room or StackOverflow.

Submitting Bugs and Enhancements

GitHub Issues is for suggesting enhancements and reporting bugs. Before submiting a bug make sure you do the following:
  • Check out our contributing guide for info on our release cycle.
  • Fork this boilerplate JSFiddle to create a test case for your bug. If a bug is apparent in the docs, that's ok as a test case, just make it clear exactly how to reproduce the issue. Only bugs that include a test case can be triaged.

Pull Requests

When adding pull requests, be sure to merge into the next branch. If you need to demonstrate a fix in `next` release, you can use this JSFiddle


  • Chinese A Chinese mirror site is available at
  • Right-to-Left (RTL) An RTL version can be created using our build tools by selecting rtl from the install script.
  • Translation To help translate see the Wiki Guide for translations.


Resource | Description --- | --- | Bugs & Feature Requests | All bug submission require a link to a test case, and a set of steps to reproduce the issue. You can make a test case by forking this JSFiddle, then submit your bug report on GitHub Issues Live Chat | Join our Room Newsletter Updates | Sign up for updates at Additional Resources | Submit a question on StackOverflow or ask our Google Group

Places to Help

Project | How To Help | Next Step --- | --- | --- | Localization | Help us translate Semantic UI into your language | Join our Translation Community SCSS | SASS needs PR to support variables inside @import | Add Pull Request for #739 Angular | Help develop angular bindings | Reach Out on GitHub Issues Guides & Tutorials | Help write guides and tutorials | Join the discussion

Reaching Out

If you'd like to start a conversation about Semantic feel free to e-mail me at