
Simple image manipulation

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001.0.52 years ago2 years agoMinified + gzip package size for simple-image in KB


Simple image manipulation
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- Install
- [npm](#npm)
- [yarn](#yarn)
- Documentation - Usage
- [Creating a SimpleImage](#creating-a-simpleimage)
  - [With dimensions](#with-dimensions)
  - [With an image element](#with-an-image-element)
  - [With a canvas element](#with-a-canvas-element)
  - [With a File](#with-a-file)
  - [With an existing SimpleImage instance](#with-an-existing-simpleimage-instance)
- [Methods](#methods)
- [Get](#get)
- [Set](#set)
- [getPixel](#getpixel)
- [setPixel](#setpixel)
- [getPixels](#getpixels)
- [setSize](#setsize)
- [draw](#draw)
- [toDataUrl](#todataurl)
- SimplePixel
- [Properties](#properties)
- [Methods](#methods-1)
  - [setAllFrom](#setallfrom)


You can install via npm or yarn.


npm install --save simple-image


yarn add simple-image


This documentation is written in TypeScript, however this library works fine in vanilla JavaScript too.


Creating a SimpleImage

A SimpleImage instance is created asynchronously (beacause we have to wait on image.onload internally), therefore you must await the ready promise.

With dimensions

async function myFn(): void {
  const simpleImage = new SimpleImage(256, 256);

  await simpleImage.ready;

  // Do stuff


or without async/await:
const simpleImage = new SimpleImage(256, 256);

simpleImage.ready.then(() => {
  // Do stuff

With an image element

async function myFn(): void {
  const image: HTMLImageElement = document.getElementById('my-image');

  const simpleImage = new SimpleImage(image);

  await simpleImage.ready;

  // Do stuff


With a canvas element

async function myFn(): void {
  const canvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.getElementById('my-canvas');

  const simpleImage = new SimpleImage(canvas);

  await simpleImage.ready;

  // Do stuff


With a File

const input: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById('my-input');

input.onchanges = () => {
  const simpleImage = new SimpleImage(input.files[0]);

  await simpleImage.ready;

  // Do stuff

With an existing SimpleImage instance

async function myFn(): void {
  const simpleImage = new SimpleImage(256, 256);

  await simpleImage.ready;

  // Do stuff

  const newSimpleImage = new SimpleImage(simpleImage);

  await newSimpleImage.ready;

  // Do stuff




There are 4 methods to get a colour at a given position, getRed, getGreen, getBlue, getAlpha.
| Argument | Description | Type | | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------ | | x | The x coordinate of the pixel you want to the colour for | number | | y | The y coordinate of the pixel you want to the colour for | number |


There are 4 methods to set a colour at a given position, getRed, getGreen, getBlue, getAlpha.
| Argument | Description | Type | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------ | | x | The x coordinate of the pixel you want to set the colour for | number | | y | The y coordinate of the pixel you want to set the colour for | number | | value | Value between 0 and 255 for the colour | number |


Gets a pixel at any given coordinate:
| Argument | Description | Type | | -------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------ | | x | The x coordinate of the pixel you want to get | number | | y | The y coordinate of the pixel you want to get | number |


Sets a pixel at any given coordinate to match a given pixel:
| Argument | Description | Type | | -------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | | x | The x coordinate of the pixel you want to set | number | | y | The y coordinate of the pixel you want to set | number | | pixel | The pixel you want to match to | SimplePixel |


Returns an array of SimplePixel of all the pixels in the image.


Sets the size of the SimpleImage to the dimensions provided.
| Argument | Description | Type | | -------- | ---------------------------- | ------ | | width | The new width for the image | number | | height | The new height for the image | number |


Draws the SimpleImage to the provided canvas.
| Argument | Description | Type | | -------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | | canvas | The canvas to draw to | HTMLCanvasElement |


Returns a data url for the SimpleImage.


An instance of of a pixel within the SimpleImage.


| Property | Description | Type | | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ------ | | x | The x coordinate of the pixel | number | | y | The y coordinate of the pixel | number | | red | Gets/sets the red value for the pixel. Number between 0 and 255 | number | | green | Gets/sets the green value for the pixel. Number between 0 and 255 | number | | blue | Gets/sets the blue value for the pixel. Number between 0 and 255 | number | | alpha | Gets/sets the alpha value for the pixel. Number between 0 and 255 | number |



Sets all the colours to match those of a given SimplePixel
| Argument | Description | Type | | -------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------- | | pixel | The pixel to match | SimplePixel |