
react wrapper for unified-doc

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303.1.14 years ago4 years agoMinified + gzip package size for unified-doc-react in KB


reactreact wrapper for unified-docunified-doc.


npm install unified-doc-react



For quick and simple rendering of a document, use the React component:
import React from 'react';
import { DocComponent } from 'unified-doc-react';

const options = {
  content: '> some **strong** content',
  filename: 'doc.md',
  marks: [
    { id: 'a', start: 0, end: 5 },
    { id: 'a', start: 10, end: 12 },

function MyDoc() {
  return (

DocProvider and useDoc

For building advanced and interactive document applications, wrap your component with a DocProvider. Components under the DocProvider have access to the doc instance via the useDoc hook.
// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { DocProvider } from 'unified-doc-react';

import MyDoc from './MyDoc';

const options = {
  content: '> some **strong** content',
  filename: 'doc.md',

function MyApp() {
  return (
    <DocProvider options={options}>
      <MyDoc />

// MyDoc.js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { saveFile } from 'unified-doc-dom';
import { useDoc } from 'unified-doc-react';

function MyDoc() {
  const doc = useDoc();
  const [query, setQuery] = useState('');
  const [results, setResults] = useState([]);

  function clearSearch() {

  function handleSearch(e) {
    const query = e.target.value;
    const results = doc.search(query);

  return (
      <input value={query} onChange={handleSearch} />
      {results.map((result, i) => {
        const [left, matched, right] = result.snippet;
        return (
          <div key={i}>
      <button onClick={clearSearch}>
        Clear search
      <button onClick={() => saveFile(doc.file())}>
        Download original
      <button onClick={() => saveFile(doc.file('.html'))}>
        Download HTML
      <button onClick={() => saveFile(doc.file('.txt'))}>
        Download text
      <h2>Text Contents</h2>

Use with unified-doc-dom

unified-doc-react can be used seamlessly with methods in unified-doc-dom to build interactive document applications.
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { fromFile, highlight, registerMarks, selectText } from 'unified-doc-dom';
import { DocComponent } from 'unified-doc-react';
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';

// import optional highlight styles
import 'unified-doc-dom/css/highlight.css';

function MyDoc() {
  const docRef = useRef();
  const [fileData, setFileData] = useState();
  const [marks, setMarks] = useState([]);

  function addMark(newMark) {
    setMarks(oldMarks => [...oldMarks, { ...newMark, id: uuidv4() }]);

  // enable and capture selected text as marks
  useEffect(() => {
    // cleanup function conveniently returned
    return selectText(docRef.current, { callback: addMark });
  }, []);

  // register marks with callbacks
  useEffect(() => {
    const callbacks = {
      onClick: (event, mark) => console.log('clicked', event, mark),
      onMouseEnter: (event, mark) => console.log('mouseenter', event, mark),
      onMouseOut: (event, mark) => console.log('mouseout', event, mark),
    // cleanup function conveniently returned
    return registerMarks(docRef.current, marks, callbacks);
  }, [marks]);

  // highlight applied marks given its ID
  function highlightLastMark() {
    highlight(docRef.current, marks[marks.length - 1].id);

  // read file data from a JS file
  async function uploadFile(e) {
    const fileData = await fromFile(e.target.files[0]);

  let docContent;
  if (!fileData) {
    docContent = <input type="file" onChange={uploadFile}></input>;
  } else {
    const options = {
      content: fileData.content,
      filename: fileData.name,
    docContent = <DocComponent options={options} />;

  return (
      <button onClick={highlightLastMark}>
        Highlight last mark
      <div ref={docRef}>


The term doc used below refers to a unified-doc instance. Please refer to unified-docunified-doc for detailed documentation of doc API methods.



function DocComponent(props: Props): React.ReactElement;
A simple React component that wraps around a doc instance.

Related interfaces

interface Props {
  /** options for `doc` instance */
  options: Options;
  /** optional `className` to attach to rendered `docElement` */
  className?: string;
  /** a reference to the rendered `docElement` */
  ref?: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>;



function DocProvider(props: ProviderProps): React.ReactElement;
Use the DocProvider to expose the doc instance in a React context. Components under DocProvider can access the doc instance via the useDoc hook.

Related interfaces

interface ProviderProps {
  /** any React node */
  children: React.ReactNode;
  /** options for `doc` instance */
  options: Options;



export function useDoc(): DocInstance;
Access the doc instance in any components under the DocProvider.


Provide options to configure unified-doc.
Please refer to unified-docunified-doc for detailed documentation of options.


This project is:
  • implemented with the unified-doc interface.
  • linted with xo + prettier + tsc.
  • developed and built with microbundle.
  • tested with jest.
  • softly-typed with typescript with checkJs (only public APIs are typed).

# install dependencies
npm run bootstrap

# build package with microbundle
npm run build

# clean package (rm dist + node_modules)
npm run clean

# watch/rebuild package with microbundle
npm run dev

# lint package with xo + prettier + tsc
npm run lint

# update semantic version with changelog
npm run release

# test package with jest in --watch mode (make sure to run the 'dev' script)
npm run test

# test package in a single run
npm run test:run