
Search into a local database of 184 video resolutions and aspect-ratio

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201.3.06 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for video-resolutions in KB


The data come from this Wikipedia page:


import resolutions from 'video-resolutions';

/* some script playing with a video object */

const compatibleAspects = resolutions.getMatchingAspect(
    width: video.width,
    height: video.height
/* for 4096×2160, it returns: */
  Format {
    code: 'DCI_2K',
    name: 'DCI 2K',
    fullName: 'DCI 2K (DCI 2K)',
    alternativeNames: [],
    width: 2048,
    height: 1080,
    aspects: {
      storage: Aspect { string: '256:135', float: 1.8962962962962964 },
      display: Aspect { string: '1.90:1', float: 1.9 },
      pixel: Aspect { string: '1.002', float: 1.002 }


$ npm install -D video-resolutions


This package export this list of classes and functions:
  • Aspect - A class representing an aspect-ratio
  • Format - A class representing an image format
  • getList - Get the list of the 184 formats
  • getAll - Get a list of formats matching a query object (eg.
a width)
  • getOne - Returns the best result of getAll or create
it of formats matching another format aspect ratio
  • search - Search a list of formats matching a query string
  • searchOne - Returns the best result of search or null

Notice: All the getters and searchers results are always a copy of database items so you can edit them without damaging database data.


Each format code is either an unique string or null.
Each format resolution unique.
The Format class has a getter resolution returning a string of the width and height merged around a "×" symbol, and a getter pixelCount returning the multiplication of the number of pixels of width and height.
aspect is always a shorthand for, either as a getter of the Format class or in a query object.
You can use the methods setWidth(width) and setHeight(height) to edit a format width or height. The respectives height or width will be adapted to this change to match the aspect-ratio. By changing width or height, the format will lose its code, name, fullName, and alternativeNames.


import resolutions from 'video-resolutions';

/* returns: */
    format: Format {
      code: null,
      name: null,
      fullName: null,
      alternativeNames: [ 'Microvision' ],
      width: 16,
      height: 16,
      aspects: {
        storage: Aspect { string: '1:1', float: 1 },
        display: Aspect { string: '1:1', float: 1 },
        pixel: Aspect { string: '1:1', float: 1 }
    score: 20.509185851025467
  /* 183 other items */


  height: 1080
/* returns: */
  Format {
    code: null,
    name: null,
    fullName: null,
    alternativeNames: [ 'HDV 1080i' ],
    width: 1440,
    height: 1080,
    /* etc */
  /* etc */

getOne(query, opts)

  width: 4096,
  height: 2160
/* returns: */
Format {
  code: 'DCI_4K',
  name: 'DCI 4K',
  fullName: 'DCI 4K (DCI 4K)',
  alternativeNames: [],
  width: 4096,
  height: 2160,
  aspects: {
    storage: Aspect { string: '256:135', float: 1.8962962962962964 },
    display: Aspect { string: '1.90:1', float: 1.9 },
    pixel: Aspect { string: '1.002', float: 1.002 }

If no format matches the query, getOne will by default return a new Format created from query's data. By settings the opts to { create: false }, the function will instead return a null Object.

getMatchingAspect(format, aspect = 'storage')

    width: 4096,
    height: 2160
/* returns: */
  Format {
    code: 'DCI_2K',
    name: 'DCI 2K',
    fullName: 'DCI 2K (DCI 2K)',
    alternativeNames: [],
    width: 2048,
    height: 1080,
    aspects: {
      storage: Aspect { string: '256:135', float: 1.8962962962962964 },
      display: Aspect { string: '1.90:1', float: 1.9 },
      pixel: Aspect { string: '1.002', float: 1.002 }

If no format matches the query, getOne will by default return a new Format created from query's data. By settings the opts to { create: false }, the function will instead return a null Object.

/* returns: */
    format: Format {
      code: 'DCI_4K',
      name: 'DCI 4K',
      fullName: 'DCI 4K (DCI 4K)',
      alternativeNames: [],
      width: 4096,
      height: 2160,
      aspects: {
        storage: Aspect { string: '256:135', float: 1.8962962962962964 },
        display: Aspect { string: '1.90:1', float: 1.9 },
        pixel: Aspect { string: '1.002', float: 1.002 }
    score: 20.509185851025467
    format: Format {
      code: '4K_UHD_1',
      name: '4K Ultra HD 1',
      fullName: '4K Ultra HD 1 (4K UHD-1)',
      alternativeNames: [ '2160p', '4000-lines UHDTV (4K UHD)' ],
      width: 3840,
      height: 2160,
      aspects: {
        storage: Aspect { string: '16:9', float: 1.7777777777777777 },
        display: Aspect { string: '16:9', float: 1.7777777777777777 },
        pixel: Aspect { string: '1:1', float: 1 }
    score: 17.092425489432678
    format: Format {
      code: 'UW4K',
      name: 'Ultra-Wide 4K',
      fullName: 'Ultra-Wide 4K (UW4K)',
      alternativeNames: [],
      width: 3840,
      height: 1600,
      aspects: {
        storage: Aspect { string: '2.35:1', float: 2.35 },
        display: Aspect { string: '2.35:1', float: 2.35 },
        pixel: Aspect { string: '0.996', float: 0.996 }
    score: 15.99784821394083


This function will return the best result from searchAll or null.


elasticlunrelasticlunr - Package powering the format search engine


This project is licensed under the MIT license.