
Object wrapper for unref'ed setInterval

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1.0.36 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for weak-daemon in KB


- Usage - Mocking
  • Node.js object wrapper for unref'ed setInterval.
  • weak means it will not prevent Node.js process to exit if event loop is empty.
  • It will help you remember about routine context.
  • No external dependencies.
Requires Node.js v4.8.7 ```sh $ npm install weak-daemon ```
  • Ordinary function:
```js const WeakDaemon = require('weak-daemon').WeakDaemon
var daemon = new WeakDaemon( 102, null, () => { console.log('tick', 'tock') } );
daemon.start(); // Will print 'tick' 'tock' every ~102 ms .. / (!) Note that multiple 'start' call without previous 'stop' will throw error / daemon.start(); // First call made after ~102ms daemon.start(false);// First call made after ~102ms daemon.start(true); // First call made immediately; .. daemon.start(); daemon.isRunning(); // true daemon.stop(); daemon.isRunning(); // false daemon.start(); ```
  • Equivalent of above example
```js var daemon = new WeakDaemon( 102, null, console.log, 'tick', 'tock' ); ```
  • Function that requires a caller context, because of this usage:
```js const worker = { data: {}, updateData(source) {
this.data = source.data;
} } var daemon = new WeakDaemon( 102, worker, / So this will be handled properly on updateData call / worker.updateData, datasource ); daemon.start(); ```
  • Example error scenario:
```js const worker = { data: {}, source: {...}, updateData() {
this.data = this.source.data()
} } var daemon = new WeakDaemon( 101, null, / this.source will be undefined while daemon will call updateData / worker.updateData ); / Error - this.source is undefined / daemon.start(); ```

Mocking for test purposes:

```js / your-lib.js / const {getInstance} = require('weak-daemon'); // :( const nonmockabledaemon = new WeakDaemon(...args); // :) const mockabledaemon = getInstance(...args); ``` ```js / test-your-lib.js / const WD = require('weak-daemon'); WD.getInstance = () => { return yourmock; } ``` Alternative way: ```js / your-lib.js / const {WeakDaemon, getClass} = require('weak-daemon'); const nonmockabledaemon = new WeakDaemon(...args) const MockableWeakDaemon = getClass(); const mockabledaemon = new MockableWeakDaemon(...args); ``` ```js / test-your-lib.js / const WD = require('weak-daemon'); WD.getClass = () => { return YourMock; } ```

class WeakDaemon

  • constructor( interval_time, caller, task, task_args=[] )
###### Arguments: - interval integer number - interval time of task call in milliseconds. Note this is not guarntee to call task every interval, it works exactly the same as setInterval(..).unref() - caller object | null - task's caller context (in case if task will use 'this' keyword) - task function - task that will be called every interval - [task_args] Array - list of arguments task will be called with.
  • start( immediate_call )
Start daemon. ###### Arguments: - immediate_call - boolean, is task should be called immediately after start call. Default false.
  • stop()
Stop daemon (can be resterted by calling start).
  • isRunning()
###### Returns: - boolean, is daemon running
  • interval getter for provided interval_time
  • caller getter for provided caller
  • task getter for provided task
  • args getter for provided args ( returned if not provided)

function getInstance

Provided for mocking purposes.
  • Arguments: @see class WeakDaemon constructor
  • Returns: instance of WeakDaemon.

function getClass

Provided for mocking purposes.
  • Arguments: no
  • Returns: WeakDaemon class.