
generate PDF invoices from json. Maintenance fork of substack/invoicer.

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generate PDF invoices from json. Maintenance fork of substack/invoicer.
npm install @bret/invoicer
  {"title":"consulting","rate": 100, "hours":[

$ invoicer -r 'BEEPCORP HOLDINGS LTD' -e expenses.json -o invoice.pdf

The first time you run invoicer you will be prompted to enter your name, address, email, and currency.
Once invoicer finishes you will have a fancy invoice.pdf.
How fancy an invoice? Glad you asked:
Screenshot of PDF invoice
usage: invoicer -r 'BEEPCORP HOLDINGS LTD' -e expenses.json -o invoice.pdf

  -r, --rcpt      invoice receipient
  -e, --expenses  expense sheet. If not given or '-', read from stdin.
  -o, --output    generate a pdf for this filename
  -m, --mode      mode to use (implied by the extension in -o, otherwise "text")
  -t, --template  use a custom LaTeX template
  -c FILE         config file (default: ~/.config/invoicer/config.json)

Here is an example expenses.json file:

    {"title":"consulting","rate": 100, "hours":[

For each `row` in the json array, `invoicer` only looks for:

* `row.rate` and a `row.hours` array
* `row.items` array
* `row.amount`

Each row should have a title.
You'll need the pdflatex command first from texlive.
If you're on a debianish system you can do: sudo apt-get install texlive.
On windows you can use w32tex.
Once all that is out of the way, install with npm to get the invoicer command:
npm install -g @bret/invoicer